
The CPIA Holds an Online Meeting with the EDF


On May 4, 2023, China Photovoltaic Industry Association (CPIA) held an online meeting with the Entrepreneurship Development Fund (EDF) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of Cambodia. Mr. Ru Jialin, Deputy Director of International Affairs at the CPIA made a brief introduction to the CPIA and the latest developments and trends of China’s PV industry. H.E. Chea Kokhong, EDF Secretariat Director, moderated the meeting, and Mr. BUN Phala, EDF Program Manager, introduced the EDF and briefed on the current situation, development goals, policies and business environment of Cambodian PV industry.


Based on mutual understanding, the two sides agreed to strengthen communication to promote business cooperation and investment between Chinese and Cambodian companies. The EDF expects to conduct more technological exchanges with Chinese PV companies.


Other attendees of the meeting included Ms. Jia Dan and Mr. Xu Xu, Researchers from the Membership Department of the CPIA, Ms. Xiao Xiang, Associate of International Affairs at the CPIA, Mr. SOK Vandy, EDF Investment Manager, Mr. Chhay Chhunlee, EDF Investment Officer, Ms. Kuch Chunboramy, EDF Program Officer, Mr. Sok Vatanak, Chief Investment & Business Officer of ID Capital PLC of Cambodia (IDC), and Mr. Voan Ratana, IDC Investment Consulting Manager.

